I would like to take a moment to express my heartfelt thanks to Debb for creating this site and giving those of us whom like to read a chance to meet new people, read new authors and subjects and receive a great package every month. I appreciate the time and effort that you have spent since launching the site. It was not always easy or fun. I will truely miss being apart of the group and miss those in the group. Some I know only slightly and others on a more personal level. Debb, I hope that after the new year you will resume the site. But the most important thing is for you to get the rest and destress that you need.
For everyone else I would just like to say it has been a pleasure being assoicated with you. I wish you all the best that life has to offer and hope to keep in contact with you. Until then.....
Check out Point Breeze Designs for handmade items, bags, house hold items, everything for the whole family, and now "Treasures Again" in their PBD's Attic for all your second-hand treasures. Its like E Bay without having to bid! And be sure and bookmark the site as it adds new items weekly!!!
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****Also, if anyone cares to make buttons, that's always appreciated! And you will be sent a small gift for every accepted button.
Michelle, what a wonderful message.. :) I thank you for your kind thoughts....I may start the site up again, but I need to take a few months off...I have to regain some of my life, as this and my other swap take so much time....I also need to get back on my pen pal site and write more to my pals...I miss that...I love to read and this site was created for that reason...I do have a book site where I chat about books I have read...do check it out... http://dabooklaysreadinglife.blogspot.com
this one is the correct one...
I second all of the lovely things that Michelle said. I couldn't have said it better. Thanks Debb.
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